Monday, March 29, 2010

Framed in Fire

Peter's has issues with his step father. Name some of the problems and any suggestions that you might have to help the situation.

Describe how this reminds you of "The Lightning Thief".


Madison said...

His step father is mean. Peter should keep trying to get his mom on his side. This book is good and I want to keep reading it.

Andrew and Nick said...


Buck always calls Peter 'Petey' and accuses him of things he hasn't done.

Buck has conviced Peter's mom that Peter is hyperactive, a troublemaker, and a threat to Lincoln.

Whenever Buck hand-picked the doctor to ask Peter questions, we think that Buck may have paid the doctor extra money to say that Peter was hyperactive.

Since the doctor had said that, the mom belives that is true, because the doctor said it, and had more degrees.


1. Peter, Lincoln, and the mom could run away and start new lives.

2. The mom could divorce with Buck.

3. Peter could run away with or without Lincoln to his friend Dillion's house.

This reminds us of 'The Lightning Thief' whenever Gabe was being abusive to Percy and his mom.

Buck was being abusive to Peter and his mom.

Ethan said...

Framed in Fire is really different than any book i have read but in a way its like The Lightning Thief in a way.

Dylan/Megan said...

Framed in Fire is a really good book. I like how it's coming from Peter's pionbt of view if it was coming from anyoone else's it would not be the same. (Thank's for choosing that book!) -Megan

Framed in Fire is pretty good. I hope its one of those books that gets better in the middle. If its good now, It will get even better. Are we going to have any worksheets or something. Dylan

Kailey and Natalie said...

Some of the problems Peter has with his Stepfather include:
Buck calls Peter Petey and edges him on tp act up so he can tell Peter's mom that he's hyper active and needs to get serious help.
We like Framed in Fire because of the heartbreaking suspense and we like how Peter is determined to prove that he's not hyperactive. We can't wait what happens with peter. -Natalie and Kailey